Snapdragon Solstice Grower Fact

Grower Facts

Snapdragon Bedding Solstice (Antirrhinum majus)


Stage 1 Time of radical emergence
Use a well-drained, disease-free seedling medium with a pH of 5.5 to 5.8 and EC less than 0.75 mmhos /cm (2:1 extraction).
- Germination: 64 to 68¡ãF (18 to 20¡ãC)
- Timing: 4 to 8 days
- Soil temperature: 64 to 68¡ãF (18 to 20¡ãC)
- Moisture: Medium
- Light: Not required
- Cover: Lightly with vermiculite

Plug Production
Stage 2 Stem and cotyledons emerge

- Timing: 7 to 14 days
- Soil temperature: 65 to 70¡ãF (18 to 21¡ãC)
- Moisture: Reduce moisture levels once radicle emergence occurs. Allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering. Irrigate early in the day so that foliage is dry by nightfall.
- Light: 450 to 1,500 f.c. (5,000 to 16,000 Lux)
- Fertilizer: 50 to 75 ppm N from 14-0-14 or calcium/ potassium nitrate feed once per week when
cotyledons are fully expanded. Alternate feed with clear water. Maintain water alkalinity at 60-100 ppm
and ammonium levels at less than 10 ppm.
- Soil pH: 5.5 to 5.8
- Soil EC: <0.75 mmhos/cm

Stage 3 Growth and development of true leaves
- Timing: 14 days
- Soil temperature: 62 to 65¡ãF (17 to 18¡ãC)
- Moisture: To promote root growth and control shoot growth, allow the soil to dry between irrigations, but avoid wilting.
- Light: 1,000 to 2,500 f.c. (11,000 to 27,000 Lux)
- Fertilizer: 100 to 150 ppm of 20-10-20 alternating with 14-0-14 or other calcium/potassium nitrate
fertilizer, every two or three irrigations. Supplement with magnesium one to two times during this stage
using magnesuium sulfate (16 oz./100 gal.) or magnesium nitrate. Do not mix magnesium sulfate with
calcium nitrate as precipitate will form.
- Soil pH: 5.5 to 5.8
- Soil EC: <1.0 mmhos/cm
- Plant Growth Regulators: Use DIF whenever possible. A-Rest sprayed 3 and 4 weeks after sowing at 10 ppm is effective in controlling height.

Stage 4 Plants are ready for transplant or shipping
- Timing: 7 days
- Soil temperature: 60 to 62¡ãF (16 to 19¡ãC)
- Moisture: Allow soil to dry thoroughly between irrigations, but avoid wilting.
- Light: 1,000 to 2,500 f.c. (11,000 to 27,000 Lux)
- Fertilizer: 100 to 150 ppm N from 14-0-14 or calcium/potassium nitrate feed as needed. Avoid ammonium fertilizers in Stage 4.
- Soil pH: 5.5 to 5.8
- Soil EC: <0.75 mmhos/cm

Growing On to Finish
- Use a well-drained disease-free soilless medium with a medium initial nutrient charge and a pH of 5.5 to 6.2.
- Temperature: 45 to 55¡ãF (10 to 13¡ãC) nights and 55 to 70¡ãF (13 to 22¡ãC) days. Avoid night temperatures above 55¡ãF (13¡ãC) as this will reduce stem strength. The best time to grow Snapdragons is Autumn through early Spring, when cooler growing conditions can be maintained.
- Moisture: Allow soil to dry slightly between waterings, but avoid wilting.
- Light: Keep light levels as high as possible while maintaining recommended temperature.
- Fertilizer: Every other irrigation, apply 150 ppm N from 15-0-15, alternating with 20-10-20. Alternate feed with clear water.
- Soil pH: 5.5 to 6.2
- Soil EC: 1.0 mmhos/cm (using 1:2 extraction). Provide good airflow at the plant level.
- Controlling Height:
- Once plants are rooted to the sides of the containers they can be allowed to dry slightly prior to irrigation.
- Withhold fertilizer, especially phosphorous and ammonium-form N.
- Snapdragons are responsive to day/night temperature differential (DIF) and are shorter with a negative
- When grown as recommended under cool temperatures and high light, no growth regulators should be needed. B-Nine, Bonzi and Sumagic are effective in controlling height in snapdragons, but may delay flowering and will lead to less uniform flowering time.

Common Problems
Thrips, aphids
Diseases: Downy mildew, Botrytis, powdery mildew

Green Thumb Tips
For the Grower

- Good choice for producing in Jumbo packs, pots and gallon containers.
- Produce in Autumn through early Spring when cooler growing conditions can be maintained.
For the Retailer
- Partial shading is beneficial to Solstice snapdragons in the retail setting.
- Keep plants on the dry side, but do not allow to wilt before watering.
For the Home Gardener
- Grow Solstice snapdragons in full sun.
- Excellent as cutflowers---after cutting, fertilize plants lightly to encourage new blooms.